Monday, February 8, 2010

My friend?

Have you had strained relationships directly related to IF?

My best friend and I are not on good terms right now. We both struggled for years to get pregnant... now I am and she's still not and our friendship is just not the same. I've been trying to be sensitive to her pain and not flaunt my pregnancy in front of her which she has interpreted as me putting a distance between us. When I have shared things with her about the pregnancy (which she told me originally that she wanted me to) she's shown such little enthusiasm that it makes me not want to tell her anything else. I don't expect cartwheels, but my goodness it's like she gives me a guilt trip for my happiness. Other friends who are struggling with IF have not acted this way toward me at all. When I told her that she just responded by saying - well fine, I'm guess I'm just a terrible friend. Ugh! This is so incredibly frustrating.

Sorry for the rant. I just don't know what else to do. I wish I could just say forget it, but it really eats at me.